"V.Naforniţă and Margarita Gritskova are known quite positively from the minor roles in the „Ariadne”. They were, to my mind, the protagonists who convinced us mostly. The role of „bad” sisters is tailor-made for both – and the personal régie was really very good here. The both shaded the actor of Angelina – concerning the stage presence as well as vocally. Tisbe, performed by Gritskova, was presented as an erotic temperamental bundle. (...) Hopefully, Margarita Gritskova will perform the biggest pieces in the future after such a persuasive performance."
Kurt Vlach, Neue Merker, Januar 2013

"Apropos of mean and scheming: Valentina Nafornita and Margarita Gritskova are beauties visually and vocally but convincingly rotten to the core in their roles as Clorinda and Tisbe, Don Magnificio’s preening daughters"
George Jahn, THE BIG STORY, 29.01.2013